Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It's a crystal. Nothing more. But if you turn it this way and look into it, it will show you your dreams...*

It's June 1st, the first day of winter and a little over two months until my 28th birthday. I was recently informed by an old acquaintance via Facebook that there may be plans in place to have a 10 year high school reunion...

Ugh. I can just see how that'll play out.

Random person I wasn't really friends with in high school : Bec! Wow, you look *exactly* the same! So what do you do?

Me: Oh I work in a boring government call centre that pays me just enough so that I won't quit.

RP: Do you have kids?

Me: Nope.

RP: A husband?

Me: Nope.

RP: Boyfriend?

Me: Nope.

RP: Girlfriend?

Me: I'm not gay.

RP: Hahahahaha, just checking. Did you go to uni?

Me: Not successfully.

RP: Oh. So.........

Me: What do you do?

RP: Me? After I finished uni I did PR for a small music label, but then I got married and had two beautiful children and decided to start my own on-line organic crayon business. Of course I still find time to go on fund-raising treks through South America for Oxfam.

Me: Of course you do.

I'm not trying to be all poor-Beccy here. I just think that reunions are really bragging conventions, a chance to show everyone how successful/hot you've become and since I've neither landed the job of my dreams, found a suitable partner or dropped 20 kilos I have a feeling that all a reunion would do is make me drunk and depressed. I'm pretty okay with my life in general. Yeah, there are things I wouldn't mind being different but I think that's normal. I seem to be terminally single but I do have some amazing friends in my life, including my best friend/housemate (who shall be known from now on as HM). My job, while boring, does pay very well and is close to my home. I've travelled a little. I'm in more debt than I would like but I've started a part time job to help with that. All in all I'm OK, however the prospect of seeing all these people, most of whom ignored or teased me for five years, is way too daunting right now given how my life seems to be a non-event. I've decided to try and rectify this. I want to (if I choose to go) be able to walk in and say I'm doing something I've always dreamed of...

I'm writing a movie.

I haven't taken any classes in screenwriting. I have a few books on my bookshelf and a couple of old copies of Script Magazine stashed away somewhere. I've usually just dabbled. A character description here, some dialogue there. About six months ago I even completed a romantic comedy. It looks exactly like a real screenplay should, but it's pretty atrocious. I think of it as my practice run to see if I could actually do it. Now I know I can. I don't want to get to my 30th birthday wishing I'd done so much more and I'm sick of just floating along. I want to write a movie. If it sells, great! I'll have realised my ambition. If it doesn't, then I'll try

I really don't know what I'm doing. Here in Adelaide we aren't exactly the epicentre of the movie industry, which is why I'm starting this blog. I'll talk about the whole process, how it's going, what I'm finding hard. Some of my life may creep in at times but life has a way of creeping in everywhere anyway. Once it's getting close to completion then I'll start with the hard stuff.... Selling the damn thing! That is something I really have no idea about!

My mission for tonight: Find all my books and magazines and start researching!

* Jareth - Labyrinth

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